Brad Nailer  vs. Finish Nailer

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There are a couple of differences between both types of nailers. One of the foremost distinctions is the type of nails they can be used on. Brad nailers are used on 18-gauge nails or brad nails, while finish nailers are used on 15-gauge and 16-gauge nails.

On the outside, finish nailers and brad nailers are almost of the same size. So one might think there is no difference between them. But as you read the rest of this article, you will find that they have different uses.

Since brad nailers used brads, their preferred applications differ from those of finish nailers. Brads are technically not nails. Besides, they are even smaller than regular nails, and for this reason, they are used for delicate trims and thin woods.

Brad Nailers

Finish nailers are perfect for heavy and thick trims, making them relatively more versatile. This also makes them excellent for woodwork and carpentry.

Finish Nailers

Your choice between brad nailers and finish nailers should depend on the material you intend to work on. Finish nailers offer more power between the two, so it is suited for more intensive nailing.