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Do you have a new router, new SSID? Big fan of Star Trek, this is a complete list of over 70 wifi and router names, picked with factors including, humor, and fun. Hope these are inspiring and helps you picks a new name!

Star trek names
- Ping me up
- Without linking, evil can not spread
- It’s the final limit
- Wifis time up
- Internet warp speed
- Buried alive
- Internet knows nothing
- Encounter at wifi-point
- The drumhead of wifi
- The ultimate computer
- Balance of the internet terror
- Space LANseed
- A taste of Armageddon
- Return to the site tomorrow
- Live long and prosper using wifi
- It’s the final limit
- Wifis time up
- The password is given
- Right out of hell, I saw it
- Lets wifi what’s out there
- Don’t call me-free wifi
- This isn’t wifi reality this is fantasy
- Engage in typing
- The Tholian web
- The drumhead of wifi
- I am not a merry man
- Computers make excellent servers
- Errand of mercy
- Most promising wifi species
- Encounter at wifi-point
- Shut up-Wesley
- There are four router lights
- Wifi with just words
- Simple and logical wifi
- What is it like to lose
- Invading in the net
- Let them eat internet static
- The resistance of wifi is futile
- The Picard maneuver
- Vulcans only
- Transport room 101
- The Rikers beards
- The house of gore
- The four ultimate
- Data runners wifi
- The obsidians are here
- The signal defector
- The anti-time group
- Subspace messages
- Report to sickbay
- Stem bolts away
- Impulse power wifi network
- The USS voyager network
- Here lies Captain Kirk
- No man has hacked us
- This is not the end of wifi
- The only wifi with compassion
- High council approved network
- Nova Squadron Wiig
- Tribler network
- Promenaders network
- Khaaannnnnn!
- Don’t forget where you parked
- Invading in the net, lies
- Dammit, Jim
- Stop it? Im counting on it
- With the first link, the chain is forged
- Return to the site tomorrow
- Most promising swift species
- Highly illogical to use free wifi
- Inviting danger are we?
- Insufficient wifi facts invite danger
- Live long and prosper using free wifi
- I will always be your internet friend
- Have some training for the free voyage
- Time is up
- I changed the internet connection, fooled?

Don’t hesitate to use these names, fuse them together or even use more than one. Personally, I am thinking of using more than half of these, I just can’t decide! Hope this has helped and inspired you, it sure has for me. Thank you for reading!